sacrament photography

Harry :: First Communion Photo, Columbus Ohio

Harry :: First Communion Photo, Columbus Ohio

The first thing I want to type here is this: the family, especially the two little boys, in these photos is so very joyful and caring. I've never left a party with pocketsful of Necco wafers (absolute favorite childhood candy, tied with Bottle Caps) but I was given the most delightful, sacrament-themed bag of goodies as I left this one. Just wonderfully inspiring and sweet (as in sugar).

The second thing I want to type here is that there are certain things I do when Edith is napping and certain things I never do when Edith naps. It has to do with how much I appreciate talking with people who have children and interests. That's redundant, you're thinking. Everyone has children and interests. But what I love is talking to mothers about how they exercise their talents while still offering their time and availability first to their children. 

Here's a sliver of truth from my life to help me say what I mean:

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The Dematte's :: Family Photo, Columbus, Ohio

The Dematte's :: Family Photo, Columbus, Ohio

This fantastic day of photo-taking had several highlights. I will list a few of them (in no particular order):

- Liliana's personality (the smallest and bounciest one in all of these photos) and the fact that I'm certain her entire life must be one big photo-op

- A church decorated with Easter lilies just in time (literally) for us to arrive and take wonderfully Easter-joy-filled first communion photos

- Shine, then rain, then shine, then rain, and a full batch of beautiful photos even still

- Stopping for a secret hamburger midway through the shoot (don't tell!)

And this is only a snippet of what made the day so much fun. But really, what made it so great was that I was able to capture stills - paused moments - of a family whose life is a constant movement towards glory to God. Each glance is an exhortation to live fully and intensely! So good.



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Hadden Family :: Sacrament Photo, Columbus, Ohio

Hadden Family :: Sacrament Photo, Columbus, Ohio

Two of my sisters married two guys who are brothers. Yes. Read it again if you have to, but yes. If you're thinking of lightning striking the same place twice, four leaf clovers, seeing two shooting stars or any other assumed impossibility, you're on the right track.

I don't know how other people feel about the statistical anomalies in their lives, but I absolutely love the this duo-marriage dynamic in our family. It makes for excellently competitive doubles ping-pong and a really good source of the embarrassing-childhood-story kind of leverage when arguing against one of the brothers.

It's because of my connection to my two brothers-in-law-who-are-also-brothers (phew!) that I had the pleasure of meeting the boys in these photos and their family. I was able to join them as they support their son's First Reconciliation in preparation for his First Communion, and it was delightful. 



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