Caitlin + Jack :: Wedding Photo - Columbus, Ohio

Caitlin + Jack :: Wedding Photo - Columbus, Ohio

Simple grace and joy. The personalities of Caitlin and Jack were just that. The celebration was elaborated with details, but the joy that wrapped it all up was very simple...pure joy! The conviction and beautiful faith of the two glimmered through each step of the day. From the readings chosen for the ceremony to the toasts given at the reception, each moment was a pure celebration of the bliss that a new marriage brings.

Congratulations and many blessings to Caitlin and Jack!

 - Rachel

p.s. Stay tuned for delicious video of the day :-)

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7 Things to Remember When Throwing a Bridal Shower

7 Things to Remember When Throwing a Bridal Shower

My parents married three daughters within the span of 18 months. This, by most universal standards, puts them in the "champion" category. It also qualifies them for retirement, a lifelong vacation, and an endless supply of "Yes, I'll stop at the grocery to pick up extra buns" on the way to every future family gathering. 

Weddings also mean bridal showers. So much generosity flows! I experienced these showers as the bride, as a planner, and as an attendee. I don't know that all of this qualifies me as an expert by any means, but in the midst of all the months of shower throwing, I was able to pick up a couple pointers that I think help prevent pre-wedding breakdown. I'll share them with you:

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