“Don’t you love New York in the fall? It makes me want to buy school supplies. I would send you a bouquet of newly-sharpened pencils if I knew your name and address.”
So, maybe this isn't New York, and maybe you don't have quite the affinity for the fall that I do, but let me tell you.
I love the fall. The autumn. The leaves. The apple pie. The sweaters. The boots. The cozy. No doubt, there is a Pinterest Board somewhere that visually displays the wonder of what I'm talking about (Seriously - do you know of one? Please comment and tell me!)
Part of my love for the season comes from my love for the movie, You've Got Mail. I may have the screenplay bookmarked on my home and work computers. I may quote it in front of people I don't know hoping for a reaction (thus proving them part of the secret society of YGM aficionados).
For those of you who share in this obsession, I want you to experience this little gem I've just discovered that is perhaps the original website for the movie when it debuted in 1998. Click it. I know you'll love it...
The cusp of fall into winter caught this beautiful family in front of my lens. A delight to photograph!