I told him to tell her a secret. It must have been a good one.
I don't know if you're the kind of person to scroll all the way through blog posts, so I've made sure to cater to you all who, like me, have a very short attention span.
The first three photos.
All it takes to get a glimpse of the sacred day that was McKenna and Nathaniel's wedding day is to behold the ineffable contentment and joy on their faces in these photos. Even just in the tiny sliver of it that you see in the first one there.
But the photos, as they never truly do, don't totally do it justice. The day was wonderful in that it was one completely centered on the sacramental. It was centered on what was happening on the altar, not on the dance floor (though they made it hard to tell while they were sweating to the big-band!!)
Three uniquely special tidbits from this day:
- The flower girls told me early on in the day that they "looove taking pictures!", so I had delightful shadows the whole day, making for excellent photos of these very cute, soon-to-be photogs.
- The bride asked me if she'd be in the way if she said a prayer in front of the statue of St. Joseph, which happened to be right behind where I was taking a photo of her groom. I told her, no, definitely not.
- For reasons related entirely to lighting, I hardly ever get excited about posting photos in the church, during the ceremony, and certainly not as the ones that tell the beauty of the day, but alas, I couldn't help myself.
Onward, McKenna and Nathaniel! Onward to a life held in sacred holiness, imitating the day you began it together.