Happy New Year: The Photo Year


Hello, readers of my blog! It has been 1 month and 3 days* since I've last posted on my blog. This is me embarking on a brand new, exciting journey in 2014.

My life is full of many tiny blessings that add up to much joy. My resolution is to share my gratitude for the goodness bit by bit. One bit per day, to be exact. No more, no less.

This is a photo of my niece at the Columbus Zoo Wild Lights. They were almost as beautiful as Felicity!

*This is an estimation (aka a "lie") ... As a true procrastinator, the effort to go back and actually count how many days it's been since I last posted would not only take too long, but would be altogether discouraging. And that's not what this day is about!

Happy New Year!



NOTE: To those who have subscribed, this will be the last email you receive. (An email a day in 2014 is slightly more to commit to than the 3 emails you received in all of 2013.) If you would like to re-subscribe, click here: http://rachelonhearthstone.com/subscribe/

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